Copyright © 2020 - 2024 Street Fruit Juice Ltd - All Rights Reserved. Web by: Supero Malta
Christmas Market
Eating fruit before sport allows you to stock up on healthy carbohydrates which, thanks to their easy digestibility, help the body to load itself with the energy necessary to face physical effort, also promoting optimal hydration Christmas Market
StreetFruitJuice for blood donors
donating blood Grateful to have participated once again to this amazing initiative. Nourishing donors blood with a fresh blend of seasonal fruits, has been a honor. A big thanks this time goes to Enemed for the opportunity See you soon !!
Winter with Fruit!
Seasonal fruit allows us to vary our diet following the natural rhythm of nature and therefore avoids us eating the same foods every day of the year, naturally imparting perfect nutritional education. Seasonal fruit allows us to vary our diet following the natural rhythm of nature and therefore avoids us...
Street Fruit Juice at Festa Familja
Good morning , everyone! We are delighted to announce our participation to this beatiful family event Thank you very much to Hal Safi local Council for giving us the opportunity to provide essential nutrients by serving our natural fruit juice-smoothies. Looking forward to see you all this Sunday Street Fruit...
Street Fruit Juice for kids
Such an amazing experience couldn’t end up without having the entertainment stuff cycling for their natural smoothies 😊 A special thanks goes to Hal Kirkop’s local council for this beautiful opportunity!
Street Fruit Juice at Christmas Market
Good morning We are glad to announce our participation to this beautiful Christmas Market. Always providing the best nutritional values Enjoy your weekend!! See you soon
Street Fruit Juice at the HideOut-Bmx Track
Eating fruit before sport allows you to stock up on healthy carbohydrates which, thanks to their easy digestibility, help the body to load itself with the energy necessary to face physical effort, also promoting optimal hydration. The consumption of fruit and vegetables is one of the key points for a...
Street Fruit Juice and Pomegranate
The pomegranate fruit is also associated with benefits in terms of weight reduction, cholesterol control, improvement of the immune system and circulation and protection from tumors (particularly prostate cancer and lymphomas). Offering fresh pomegranate juice for blood donors at Enemed National Distribution Centre. Thank you so much for this amazing...
Pomegranate Juice at Genna ta Gonna
Yesterday it was a great success at Floriana, Genna ta Gonna. A big thanks goes to Eco Market for sharing once again this amazing experience.
Street Fruit Juice and Embrace Diversity
We are so happy for today’s opportunity to bring some joy with our amazing healthy snacks and drinks to the children of the Embrace Diversity Organization!